West Bengal Telecom Circle

Telecom Consumers’ Complaint Redressal

Subscribers of West Bengal Telecom Circle are humbly requested to contact call center at the following numbers for complaint booking and for general information


Call Center

  Landline Broadband GSM Mobile CDMA/WiMax
From BSNL Network 1500 1504 1503 1502
From Other Network 1800 345 1500 1800 345 1504 1800 180 1503 1800 180 1502
If the complaints booked at call center are not redressed then the subscribers may appeal to the Appellate Authority for redressal of their grievances in the prescribed form in duplicate to the following address:


Appellate Authority
Name Address Telephone No. FAX No. Email-ID
Smt. Pranati Das

(OP & MIS)

1, Council House street (2nd floor), Kolkata-700001 033-2231 5758 033-2213 0191 pghelpwb@bsnl.co.in


Web based Complaint Booking and Monitoring 
http://www.wb.bsnl.co.in for GSM and CDMA http://selfcare.bsnl.co.in for L/L and BB